The Hegeler Carus Foundation provides direction in the on-going renovation efforts of the Hegeler Carus Mansion, the Julius W. Hegeler I Home, and the extensive grounds of both sites.
Since the Hegeler Carus Foundation was formed, its goals have been to encourage and support cultural activities by restoring and using the Hegeler Carus Mansion.
The Foundation was incorporated as a 501 (c) 3 in February of 1987.
The mission of the Hegeler Carus Foundation is to encourage and support cultural activities by restoring and using the Hegeler Carus Mansion, an American center of philosophical, scientific, and religious dialogue.The Foundation was incorporated as a 501 (c) 3 in February of 1987.
The Foundation was formed in 1995 to save and revitalize the Hegeler Carus Mansion.
In December 2006 the Foundation purchased the Julius W. Hegeler I Home with a challenge grant from the Richard H. Driehaus Charitable Lead Trust. This home is located directly across the street from the Mansion at 1306 Seventh Street.
The Hegeler Carus Foundation is grateful to the Jeffris Heartland Fund for providing a matching grant to hire architect John Eifler. Eifler and Associates are preparing the Historic Structure Report for the Julius W. Hegeler I Home. This grant is administered
by the National Trust for Historic Preservation.